So you’ve decided to purchase secondhand furniture from Craigslist or a hotel liquidator, but you’re not quite sure whether you should go for the stuff that needs more significant repairs. New challenges like reupholstering are always exciting to take on, but it can be good to get a little help along the way. To save yourself a little time and frustration, read this guide, and learn some of the reasons why you might want to do this, as well as some of the challenges to look out for.

Reasons Why You Might Want to do This

  • It’s good for the environment. Instead of throwing the furniture away, you are reusing something that can last for years. In addition, you will prevent future damage to the environment by not purchasing new furniture.
  • Match your existing furniture. When you purchase used furniture as part of a furniture liquidation sale, you might feel constrained on your choices because you want to match what you already have. If you commit to reupholstering furniture, however, you know you can purchase the piece you want and make it fit.
  • Save money. If you’re a saver, you can feel great relief knowing you saved money, when comparing the cost of reupholstering to the cost of purchasing new furniture. If you do it yourself, you will also save good money over paying a professional.

Hazards of Reupholstering Furniture Even though reupholstering something you got at a furniture liquidation sale can be quite attractive to some people, it comes along with some challenges, just like anything else. Here are some of the obstacles you might encounter:

  • Some people just don’t like used. You and your family might, but think beyond your immediate circumstances, and consider who else will be using the furniture. If you’re looking to make a good impression on some guests who have certain standards, reupholstering may not be right for you.
  • It takes time. If you have the time available, that’s great. If not, then reupholstering could be quite difficult to complete. It could take a few months of consistent hours before you complete your project.
  • Paying for tools. If you choose to do your own reupholstering, you will have to buy the tools and materials. It is a cost-reducer to perform, but it’s definitely not free.
  • You will have to learn new skills. If you’re the type who picks up new things easily, or if you are already handy, then reupholstering shouldn’t be a big challenge for you. However, if you’ve never really worked with your hands before, then make sure you set aside ample amounts of time for making mistakes and learning new skills.

Is reupholstering furniture the right choice for you? Only you can decide. But, with the help of this guide, you will have more information at your disposal to help you make a good decision.

Source by David J. White

