The progress in mobile and battery technology has facilitated the invention of the mobile scooter. Mobile scooters have made it possible for many physically impaired individuals to replace their old wheel chairs with a high- tech scooter.

Mobility scooters facilitate an easier movement than manual or motorized wheel chairs. It facilitates the driver to make sharper turns and move over different surfaces, effortlessly. The batteries last for longer periods, allowing the individual to leave home with little worry.

A mobility scooter enables the operator to take tight turns. This allows the operator to get closer to restaurant tables and through narrow isles in public places. The scooter can be disassembled, making it portable and easily transportable in the trunk of a car.

Mobility scooters are sometimes even referred to as power chairs. They operate with a joystick-style controller. Most mobility scooters are equipped with operating buttons on the handle bar, electric motors and rechargeable batteries.

Often mobility scooters are expensive, but since they are considered a medical need, many insurance companies pay for the vehicle. Mobility scooters provide great assistance to individuals with hidden health problems such as heart and lung trouble, to participate in events and become independent. Special retailers for mobility scooters, assist the customers in insurance paper work. They also provide scooter accessories, such as baskets. Retail shops provide repair services and replacement of parts.

Mobility scooters are low power motor vehicles and are often subject to state and local regulations. Few scooters are prohibited from being on the streets, while a few meet the department of transportation’s regulations, for operation on streets. It is advisable for operators to take precautionary measures, every time the motorized vehicle is introduced in traffic areas. If these vehicles are used properly, they are excellent providers of independence and convenience.

Source by Jason Gluckman

