There are a few things that you should do if you want a killer six pack. First of all, you have to understand that a six pack is essentially well-toned abdominal muscles. Secondly, these will only show if you have little or no belly fat. Unfortunately, belly fat (and any ‘extra baggage’ around our waist) is always the last the trim off whilst losing weight. This is a key part that most people don’t realise. Exercising your abs alone won’t give you the look you want – you have to exercise your whole body.

One of the most important things that you need to do is to get yourself a rocking chair. When you sit on a rocking chair and rock back and forth, you are using a wide range of stomach/abdominal muscles (providing you are not sitting with your back against the chair).

The ideal sitting position is with you back straight and in the middle of the chair. Resting your back against the back support takes all of the effort out of your abs, and you won’t do anything. I know someone that spends an hour a day in their rocking chair, and they have one of the most amazing six packs I’ve ever seen! This might sound like a boring activity, but you can do it as a secondary activity and do something more entertaining at the same time. For example, I like to play video game, so I’d do that. Or I might watch TV or read a book. And who said watching TV is bad for you!?

Source by David J P Smith

