So you just graduated and nailed down your first job that can pay for more than beer and gas. You are single and looking to use your new found success to frolic with the ladies. One of the critical components to years of playing the field is establishing yourself a bachelor pad. Some of you may decide to splurge on your car instead and skimp out on the apartment, maybe even live with a roommate. This is one of the biggest mistakes a man can make and I will explain why. There are essentially 3 stages in picking up women: 1) the opening, this is simply making initial contact 2) mid-game, this is your first date 3) closing.

Stage 1 can happen in a multitude of ways at different types of locations. Most young player wannabes make the mistake of assuming the openings are only made at bars, clubs, etc. They fail to realize the situations that yield the highest returns are when the openings occur in a private setting such as a guy friend bringing over a few girls from the mid game or a guy friend’s girlfriend’s friends to your apartment/house/condo to drink. Hands down, these situations will yield you the most success because you are already past the primary female’s defenses and you have a chance to charm her, BS her, etc. Now when a woman likes you and sees your place of living, she naturally and subconsciously imagines what it would be like to wake up next to you or live with you at your place. She pictures herself waking up and looking out at your great view, throwing dinner parties with her friends, after bars, pre bars etc. They can’t help it, its in their nature to want to settle down and shack up.

If you have the right bachelor place, you have a great chance to close in one night. You do your opening and mid game easily at your place. Then after a few drinks when its time to close, you don’t set any alarms off by saying things like “you want to after party”, “you want to come back to my place”, “lets go cuddle and watch a movie” etc. Phrases like that instantly set off alarms in the woman’s heads and bring them back to reality, no matter how charming you have been throughout the night. But guess what, if you are already at your place, you can use something a bit more harmless like “lets go chill on the patio” or “hot tub time.” After a few hours and drinks the woman has already established basic trust. After all you appear to be clean (MAKE SURE ITS CLEAN), successful and don’t have any body parts in your fridge.

Now ask yourself, when does a car help me with the ladies? Its almost impossible to have an opening while in your car and I wouldn’t want to sleep with the girl that will let you close the deal in it. The only possible time a car can help you is the brief 15 minute ride when you pick her up and take her to dinner, and that’s only if she decides to ride with you. Also, something to remember is that a super nice car and a whack home send bad vibes. It gives the impression of immaturity, lack of priority, etc. Thus heed my advice; get a DECENT car, no rusty clunkers, but no need to roll in a BMW when a VW or Honda will suffice.

When you are hunting for a bachelor pad try and make sure its close to the areas your crew likes to go out to. A pimp place does you no good if its way out of the way and no one wants to party there. Try and get something with a nice balcony and view, women love this for the same reason they love convertibles. The rest of the magic lies in the decorations. Make sure you establish a central hang out/drinking zone. The ideal drinking zone is a center island bar. This is because it allows you to freely change positions and easily carry intimate conversation with different people as you pour drinks, get chasers from the fridge, etc. without making it obvious who you are interested in. Don’t cheap out and buy some nice bar stools that are comfortable, preferably with padding on the seat and back.

Source by Josh Henderson

